Agency Management
VG Abogados y Asesores:
Consult with our experts. We protect your interests
We efficiently manage all kinds of procedures and tasks that may be complex, tedious, or typically require dedication and time that our busy lives don’t allow. You can trust us with aspects such as:
Vehicle Procedures
- Registrations
- Transfers
- Obtaining a driver’s license
- Sale notifications
- Traffic reports
- Driving permit/license reviews
- Transport card for trucks and special vehicles
- Vehicle tax payments
- Various vehicle and driver matters
- Management
Business Creation
- Processing of licenses for opening commerce and industry
- Processing of licenses for outdoor seating
- Certificates of birth, marriage, death, last wills and testaments, etc.
- Patents and trademarks
- Processing of subsidies
- Financial advice and search for alternative sources of funding
- Deeds and notarial procedures (segregations, purchases, declarations of
heirs and inheritances, etc.) - Other procedures at the national and international levels
- Settlement of all types of taxes